Maine Queer Health is a community sourced collection of providers recommended as having some level of cultural competency working with LGBTQ+ clients. We invite providers who are committed to providing culturally competent, responsive, and gender-affirming care to LGBTQ+ clients to submit themselves to this database. If you are a provider considering listing yourself, here are some things we suggest you ask yourself before doing so:
- Are you comfortable talking about the sexual health needs of LGBTQ+ patients and clients?
- Are you willing to support transgender and non-binary clients in pursuing social and medical transition under your purview of care?
- Do you believe that LGBTQ+ people are ultimately the experts on their own lived experiences, and therefore deserve agency in making care decisions for themselves?
- Are you committed to pursuing continuing education on serving LGBTQ+ clients?
Though perfection in any of these areas is not required to list yourself, if your answer was No to any of the above, that will likely be a red flag for any LGBTQ+ patients you may serve. You may want consider if listing yourself in this resource is the right choice.
If you are interested in continuing education, Maine Transgender Network offers training in providing culturally sensitive care for a variety of provider types. Please check out the Trainings page.
If you are still interested in listing yourself, please complete our Submit a Provider form.
If you already have a listing on MQH and would like to update or change any information on it, please go to the Correct a listing page.