Provider Information

Provider Photo
Name of Provider
Casey-Lyn Knight
Professional Credential (MD, DO, FNP, LCSW, etc.)
Lewiston, Auburn, Portland, Augusta
Androscoggin, Cumberland
Greater Portland, Greater Lewiston, Central Maine, Telehealth
Practice Name
Gateway Community Services
Field of Practice
Mental Health
Services Offered
Does this provider offer a sliding fee scale?
Does this provider accept MaineCare?
Why do you believe this provider should be listed in this database?
Casey Knight has served LGBTQIA youth and their parents in a number of ways over the years. Recently she became licensed as a mental health clinician to continue this work in a more official manner. She has attended the Fenway Institute conference for Excellence in Transgender Healthcare and is dedicated to our community.
What continuing education about treating LGBTQ+ patients does this provider participate in?
Yes, the agency provides a daylong training and Casey seeks out additional trainings.