Provider Information

Provider Photo
Name of Provider
Greater Portland Health
Professional Credential (MD, DO, FNP, LCSW, etc.)
Portland, South Portland
Greater Portland
Practice Name
Greater Portland Health
Field of Practice
Primary Care, Dental Care, Mental Health (General), Mental Health (Psychiatrist), Sexual & Reproductive Care, Aging & Geriatric Care, Transgender Care (Hormones), Transgender Care (Mental Health), Transgender Care (Primary Care), Transgender Care (Other), Free, Discount, or Sliding Scale Care, Pediatric & Youth Care, Substance Use Care, Community Support Services (peer suppor groups, advocacy organizations, etc), Specialty Care (such as endocrinology, nephrology, dermatology, general surgery, etc), HIV & AIDS Care
Services Offered
Physicals & exams Sick visits Care for older adults Trans health services - including hormone prescription and management PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) Women's Health Family Planning Lab Work Pediatrics Oral Health Mental Health Recovery Groups Substance Use Disorder Treatment Infectious Disease Screening & Management HIV/AIDS Chronic Viral Hepatitis C Treatment Chronic Disease Management (e.g. diabetes, asthma, hypertension, heart disease, COPD) Sexual Health Screening, Counseling, Treatment Health Insurance Assistance Immunizations
Does this provider offer a sliding fee scale?
Does this provider accept MaineCare?
Why do you believe this provider should be listed in this database?
GPH is committed to providing affordable, culturally competent care to the LGBTQ+ community. We understand the unique barriers LGBTQ+ people often face in receiving healthcare and work to reduce these. We aim to create an inclusive, welcoming environment at all of our health center locations.
What continuing education about treating LGBTQ+ patients does this provider participate in?
All staff at GPH receive training through the National LGBTQ Health Education Center on providing quality care to and effective, affirmative communication for LGBTQ patients. Healthcare providers at GPH are offered additional training on a range of topics including improving care for transgender patients, LGBTQ older adults, LGBTQ youth, and youth who identify as gender non-binary.